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WVU Medicine HR helping fill areas of need

With a little more than two months to go on the calendar, WVU Medicine Human Resources has already increased hiring for new employees (WVU Hospitals and University Health Associates) by 8.5 percent from 2014.

According to HR, WVU Medicine has hired 1,424 new employees so far in 2015 as compared to 1,312 for all of last year. That number includes 319 new RNs, compared to 229 last year, an increase of 29 percent. HR has also processed 1,125 internal employee transfers so far this year.

What’s more, HR is monitoring its hiring process in an effort to accelerate it. The process, known as Time to Accept, has taken an average of 39 days, beating the national benchmark for academic medical centers of 47 days, according to Deveran George, an HR manager.