Conveniently housed in the OLAR vivarium, RBC equipment are freely available in a suite of 6 dedicated rodent behavior testing rooms that have been optimized for task-specific needs.
Anxiety and Depression
- Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate
- Elevated Plus Maze
- Hole Board
- Light-dark Transition
- Marble Burying
- Novelty-induced Hypophagia
- Open Field
- Porsolt Forced Swim Test
- Sucrose Preference
- Tail Suspension
Drug Abuse Potential
- Conditioned Place Preference
- Drinking in the Dark
- Two-bottle Choice
Learning and Memory
- Active and Passive Avoidance
- Morris Water Maze
- Novel Object Recognition
- Radial Arm Maze
- Social Investigation/Discrimination
- T-maze
- Open Field
- Visible Platform
Operant Conditioning
- Lever Press Chambers - water or food reward
- Beam Balance Test
- Cylinder Test
- Grip Strength
- Hot Plate
- Rotarod
- Swim Test
- Tail Flick
Computer Software
- Stoelting AnyMaze 4.5
- Noldus Ethovision 8.5
- San Diego Instruments PAS (Open Field)
- UgoBasile Data Collection Application (Grip Strength)