Design Projects

Our creative staff will help you promote your identity while adhering to the WVU brand. We can design for any need, including advertising, banners, brochures, flyers and signage. When submitting project requests, please include requested information regarding your proposed project and all supporting material, such as photography, graphics, etc., if available.

If you would like to submit a request for one of the five health schools, contact your communicator first. School communicators will be notified of all requests.

Due to workload and institutional priorities, design projects are subject to approval. Print and associated costs for design projects are the responsibility of the requesting program or department.

Submit a Design Request

School of Medicine Advertising #

University Relations will work with you to design advertisements for placement in various media outlets. It is the responsibility of the department or program representative to select an ad based on budget and turnaround time. For ad design assistance within the School of Medicine, contact your communicator.

Business Cards and Letterhead #

Business cards and letterhead are ordered through Mountaineer Marketplace in the WVU Portal. Digital letterhead can be requested online. All associated costs are the responsibility of the requesting program or department.

Apparel and Promotional Products #

 West Virginia University Trademark Licensing protects the reputation and goodwill of West Virginia University through the control of the appearance of its name and indicia in the marketplace and elsewhere. All use of the WVU trademarks requires licensing approval.

Review Guidelines and Submit a Product Request

Poster Templates #

For poster and banner set up and printing, please use one of WVU’s print services. They will utilize the proper logos, backgrounds and fonts.

Several poster templates are available for download.

School of Dentistry:

School of Medicine:

School of Nursing:

School of Pharmacy:

School of Public Health:

Below are some helpful hints in editing or creating your own PowerPoint poster:

  • Pages: In PowerPoint you will need to set the page size. Go to FILE → PAGE SETUP → CUSTOM and type in your poster dimensions. (If you use one of the templates, the page size is already set.) PowerPoint has a size limit of 56" x 56". If you would like your poster larger than the limit, scale it down by half and the printer can scale it up. (For example, for a 4' x 6' poster, type in 24"x 36" and the printer will double the size. This will not affect the quality.)
  • Fonts: For Greek characters, we recommend the SYMBOL font and NOT the insert function. The insert function will not print correctly. Many Microsoft fonts are installed as screen fonts and will not print properly. They can cause kerning problems even though they appear correct on screen - resulting in bunched up letters. This is not apparent until after the poster is printing. Please talk to the printer about your fonts.
  • Inserting Images: You may cut and paste text into your PPT document, but do not cut and paste charts, graphs or photographs into your PPT files. These items should be inserted into the file to be printed correctly. You do this by INSERT → PICTURE → FROM FILE select your image. This is also true for logos also.
  • Graphs made in SigmaPlot must be inserted as a jpeg, tif or bmp file.

PowerPoint Templates #

A PowerPoint presentation including Health Sciences fast facts information is available for download:

Branded PowerPoint templates are available for download:

Wordmarks and Logotype Lock-ups #

When representing a WVU school, college, department or unit, the lock-ups and wordmarks should be visually consistent. All lock-ups and wordmarks are to be created or approved by University Relations.

Request a wordmark or logotype lock-up