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Keyser Campus senior empowers 4th graders through self-esteem journaling

KEYSER, W.Va. — Marilee Kitzmiller, a senior at the West Virginia University School of Nursing Keyser Campus, implemented an inspiring capstone project recently that focused on boosting self-esteem among 4th-grade students. Her interactive approach not only encouraged self-expression but also helped the students recognize their unique positive qualities.

Kitzmiller provided each student with a journal and guided them through a creative exercise where they personalized their notebooks with stickers and drawings. Before decorating, the students were asked to write down five positive things about themselves. Kitzmiller discovered that while some students enthusiastically participated, others found it challenging to identify their strengths, revealing a broader struggle with self-esteem.

To measure the impact of her intervention, Kitzmiller administered pre- and post-tests to assess the students’ understanding of self-esteem concepts, such as the importance of positive self-talk and the benefits of journaling. The results were promising—post-test scores showed a marked improvement, indicating that the students had gained valuable insights.

“This project was an excellent way to encourage students to express themselves and promote positivity to boost self-esteem,” said Dr. April Shapiro, Keyser Campus Chair. “It was a wonderful opportunity for Marilee to foster self-care and awareness among young learners.”

Reflecting on her experience, Kitzmiller shared, “This project opened my eyes to the challenges many children face with self-awareness and confidence. It underscored the importance of teaching these life skills early.”

By integrating journaling and creative self-expression, Kitzmiller’s capstone project provided the students with practical tools to nurture their self-esteem, paving the way for healthier emotional development. Her work demonstrates the significant role nurses can play in promoting mental well-being within communities.



MEDIA CONTACT: Wendy Holdren
Director of Communications and Marketing
WVU School of Nursing