WVU School of Nursing Dean Tara Hulsey re-elected as president of state RN board
Dr. Tara Hulsey, WVU School of Nursing Dean and E. Jane Martin Endowed Professor, has been re-elected as the president of the West Virginia RN Board for a two-year term.
The mission of the West Virginia RN Board is to promote and protect public health, safety and welfare through the regulation of registered professional nurses and dialysis technicians. The group is responsible for establishing professional standards and guidance for nursing practice; licensing; reviewing and approving nursing education programs related to initial licensure; investigating complaints; and supporting a monitoring and recovery program for registered nurses.
“Nurses continue to be named the nation’s most trusted profession year after year, and oversight is important in maintaining that level of confidence,” Hulsey said. “I am honored to continue leading the West Virginia’s RN Board to ensure the highest quality of care for the state’s patients.”
MEDIA CONTACT: Wendy Holdren
Director of Communications and Marketing
WVU School of Nursing
304-581-1772; wendy.holdren@hsc.wvu.edu