Tobacco Free Policy

The use of tobacco products in any form is prohibited anywhere on the WVU Health Sciences campus, including all buildings, sidewalks, roads, parking areas, and green spaces as well as all WVU Medicine facilities.

Health Sciences Center Tobacco Free Campus

Section 1: General

1.1 Purpose. – To establish a policy that prohibits tobacco use at West Virginia University (“WVU”).

1.2 Authority. – W. Va. Code §18B-1-6; W. Va. Code §18B-2A-4(a).

1.3 Scope. – Subject to the provisions below, this policy applies to all members of the University community.

1.4 Effective Date. – This Policy is enacted June 7, 2012, however, as set forth below, the University will not be tobacco free until July 1, 2013.

1.5 Revision History. – This is a revision to the original Policy 57, which was effective June 4, 2010, and remains in effect until July 1, 2013, regarding a tobacco free Health Sciences Center Campus.

Section 2: Definitions

2.1 “WVU Campus” is defined as (1) property controlled by WVU and under the jurisdiction of the West Virginia University Board of Governors, which includes any premises owned, operated, leased, or occupied by WVU; or (2) any street, road, or thoroughfare immediately adjacent to or passing through WVU owned property. This definition does not include the divisional campuses; however, the President is hereby delegated the authority to extend this Policy to the divisional campuses, once appropriate input and comment has been obtained from each of the campuses.

2.2 “Member of the University community,” for purposes of this policy only, is defined as an individual engaged in any WVU activity or program, or any individual on the WVU Campus, including, but not limited to, any person who is a student, staff, faculty member, other WVU official, vendor, patient, or visitor.

Section 3: Policy

3.1 Subject to section 3.2 below, beginning July 1, 2013, use of tobacco products, in any form, by a member of the University community located on or visiting the WVU campus is prohibited. Members of the University community shall be required to comply with this prohibition on the use of tobacco products.

3.2 Events that attract a large number of off-campus visitors to the WVU Campus may be exempted on a case by case basis with the approval of the Vice President for Administration and Finance, provided that all smoking be restricted to designated outdoor smoking areas.

Section 4: Communication of Policy and Designation of the Tobacco Free Boundaries

4.1 Signs posted at vehicular and pedestrian entry ways into the WVU Campus will indicate that the WVU Campus is tobacco free. The policy will be posted on appropriate WVU website(s). In addition, implementation of the policy will be communicated internally by a variety of electronic and written means. To the extent practical, adequate notification that the WVU Campus is tobacco free will be made to the appropriate individuals, including those that apply for employment, attend meetings and conferences on the WVU Campus, and those that apply for enrollment at any of the WVU schools and/or programs.

Section 5: Compliance

5.1 All members of the University community must comply with this policy. Violation of the policy by students may subject them to disciplinary sanctions, up to and including expulsion. Violation of this policy by employees may subject them to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Violation of this policy by other members of the University community may subject them to removal from the WVU Campus. The President’s designees shall be responsible for enforcement of this policy.

5.2 Members of the University community are expected to comply with the provisions of the tobacco free policies of any entity, whose property adjoins the WVU Campus.

Section 6: Tobacco Cessation Program

6.1 WVU is committed to supporting our students, faculty, and staff who wish to overcome their addiction to tobacco products. A comprehensive description of tobacco use cessation options and resources available to our students and employees can be accessed at:

6.2 Employees shall be eligible to utilize all tobacco cessation programs and resources which may be free or reimbursable by insurance. Students shall be eligible to utilize all tobacco cessation programs available through WellWVU.

Section 7: Responsibility for Application/Interpretation/Development of Procedures

7.1 Responsibility for the application and interpretation of this policy and the development of procedures, if any, rests with the President and/or the President’s designees.