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Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences student and faculty achievements

Our students and faculty in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences  have been doing lots of great work. We've highlighted some of those achievements below:

-PhD candidate Elizabeth Claydon had her poster, Eating Disorders and Academic Performance among College Students, accepted for presentation at the 2017 Academy of Eating Disorders International Conference in Praque, Czech Republic.

-PhD candidate Shay Daily also recently had a poster accepted. Psychometric Support of the School Climate Measure in a Sample of Appalachian Youth will be presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education in Denver, CO. 

-PhD candidate Amy Dyer, along with Drs. Kristjannson, Mann and Smith, had their research, Sport Participation and Academic Achievement in High School Students: A longitudinal study, published in the American Journal of Health Behavior. 

-Dr. Mike Mann received the Presidential Citation for Distinguished Servive to the Organization and Profession from the American School Health Association. This award is given to school health professionals believed to have made substantial service-based contributions to the organization and/or profession during the preceeding year. Mike's award was based on the work he did conducting strategic planning for ASHA, participating on the national committee charged with revising the professional standards for school health educators, and participating in the national Future of School Health committee.