Rodent Behavior Core


The Rodent Behavior Core (RBC) assists in conducting functional assessments of rodents to enhance understanding of neurological and other disorders, and to elucidate possible therapeutic interventions. RBC equipment is available for the evaluation of multiple functional domains including addiction, affective behaviors, cognition, sensorimotor function/skilled movement, nociception, and social
behavior. In addition to housing general and specialized behavioral equipment, the RBC also offers other services to facilitate behavioral research, including expert consultation on experimental design and task selection, individualized training in behavioral methods, assistance in grant or manuscript writing, and statistical analysis of behavior data.


  • Bussey-Saksida Mouse Touchscreen System
  • Med Associates IVSA System (Mouse & Rat)
  • SDI Photobeam Activity System
  • Panlab Automated Radial Maze (Mouse & Rat)
  • AnyMaze & EthoVision Tracking Software
  • Neurophotometrics Fiber Photometry/OPTO
  • Ugo Basile Rotarod (Mouse & Rat)
  • Inscopix nVue in vivo Dual Color Miniscope
  • Elevated Zero, Elevated Plus, and Y Mazes
  • Barnes & Water Mazes (Mouse & Rat)
  • SDI Gemini Avoidance System
  • Find us in iLab


Please remember to properly acknowledge support from the RBC in all of your presentations and publications:

The project described was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, P20 GM109098. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Research Forrest