Adam Cook, DO

Adam Cook
Bradley, WV
Undergraduate Degree:
BS Chemistry, Concord University

Adam Cook, raised in Bradley, WV, recently graduated from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM). Prior to medical school, he attended Concord University in Athens, WV where he earned my BS in Chemistry with a Biology minor in 2018. Cook states that growing up and receiving his education in WV has truly given him a deeper love for the state and the people in it, and he has plans to practice as a primary care physician in the state.

As a WVSOM student, he was a member of their Rural Health Initiative (RHI), which places an emphasis on medical care in rural areas of the state. This program provided him with the opportunity to perform his clinical rotations in more rural areas of the state, further highlighting his dedication to WV communities. The combination of Rural Health Initiative and the modules he has completed as WV AHEC Rural Community Health Scholar have solidified his interest to practice in WV; he feels that these programs have provided a critical foundation in his medical career.