News and Activities
The DECC treatment team knows how challenging it can be for individuals in our state to receive psychotherapy, nutritional, and medical services to treat eating disorders. Many of our clients in rural areas cannot travel to appointments in Charleston. In 2013, Dr. Luzier developed a free, online network of providers in the state who are either (a) already comfortable treating patients with eating disorders or (b) have an interest in learning more about this population of clients. The West Virginia Eating Disorder Network has grown to over 200 members across disciplines: physicians, psychologists, counselors, social workers, dieticians, case managers, and more. The goal of the Network is to share information about upcoming trainings, consult on challenging cases, and provide referral ideas for individuals needing services. List serv guidelines can be found at the bottom of this webpage. If you are a clinician and have any interest in joining this network of other providers in West Virginia, please contact Dr. Luzier directly at
WVEDN Listserv Rules
Amended from the American Psychological Association
Rule 1--Legal Use of the Listserv: Do not use the forum for illegal purposes, including, but not limited to, defamation, violation of intellectual property laws, antitrust or unfair competition laws or criminal laws.
Rule 2--Disruptive Use: Do not intentionally interfere with or disrupt other forum members, network services, or network equipment. Commercial use is prohibited, as is distribution of unsolicited advertising, chain letters, propagation of computer
worms or viruses, and use of the network to make unauthorized entry into any other machine accessible.
Rule 3--Respectful Discourse: Health Providers demonstrate respect for all persons, including their professional colleagues. From time to time discussions on this list may reflect differences of opinion and raise strong feelings. List participants are careful to exercise restraint in all postings. They respond to the subject matter and content of postings and do not cast aspersions or make any disparaging or disrespectful references to the person or to the character of the author of list posts or of persons cited in these posting or to any other list member. This collegial practice is exercised both in postings to the list and in back-channel communications resulting from list discussions.
Rule 4--Content of Postings: Communications should be oriented towards increasing the knowledge base and connections between West Virginia Health Providers. The Listserv is a forum for sharing information and community building around the treatment of eating disorders. Postings should pertain to Health Providers, and not to issues unrelated to them.
Rule 5—Announcements: The Listserv is not for commercial purposes. "Commercial" on the listserv refers to communications in which the primary purpose appears to be to advance the business or financial interests of any person or entity, or otherwise to promote a financial transaction for the benefit of the author directly or indirectly. Announcements described below are acceptable as they serve to benefit the public and WVEDN members with less purpose on the financial benefit of the poster.
- Job postings and special work opportunities are acceptable
- Book publications by members may be announced one time on the listserv (100 word limit).
- Continuing Education
- Calls for Papers
- Free/low cost mental health services: Announcements of free or low cost mental health services (such as support groups and university counseling centers) in which the primary intent of the post is service and not commercial.
- Publications and Product Reviews: Members may review professional products (e.g., test equipment, EHRs), the publication of a book, training material, blog and the like, provided that: 1) there is only one post for each service or product; 2) the post provides factual and not commercial information; and 3) the post relates directly to treating eating disorders.
- Prohibited postings include advertisements for non-related, notices regarding rental of office space, solicitations to secure work or internships, ads for products or services, excessive signature lines and e-mail adornments promoting books and other commercial interests, or direct solicitations of listserv members to purchase products or services.
Rule 6--New Listserv Member Introductions: New members to the listserv are encouraged to introduce themselves (i.e., their background, specialties, and interests).
Rule 7--Requests for Research Subjects: Requests are permitted on the listserv when the research is being conducted and posted by a WVEDN member. Requests may be posted up to two times for any given study. Subject lines of postings should begin: “Research Participation Request.”
Guidelines for Listserv Posts
Nothing about a listserv posting is private. Hence, the following guidelines are offered:
Be circumspect. Consider the possible legitimacy and consequences of your message before posting it for this audience of hundreds of Health Providers. (Remaining mindful of the aforementioned rules will assist you in this regard.)
Wait before posting a message that you have composed in an aroused emotional state or have a colleague review it for compliance with list rules.
Do not post anything about yourself, your patients, or others that you would not want to see published on the front page of your local newspaper. In order to protect patient privacy, if posting about a situation with a patient, including searching for a therapist, refer only to the proximal region (e.g., Charleston area
rather than a specific town), a general age (e.g., elementary school age rather than 9 year old), and avoid specific identifiers (e.g., he is a professor of archeology).
Members of the WVEDN are available to advise you on your posts. If there is a question regarding what is appropriate to post or how to respond to an email or a previous post, list members may contact Jess Luzier ( for assistance.
If the moderator is made aware that there are harassing or bullying backchannel communications/e-mails that result from list posts, the member posting such backchannel/private emails may be subject to the same procedures and consequences (including suspension) by the moderator that apply to public listserv postings.
If you want more privacy to consult or discuss, join a more private, moderated list, use one-to-one messaging, set a group within an online service (e.g., Google or Yahoo), or employ other more private and controlled methods.
1) Friendly Reminders: Upon a minor infraction or breach of list serve protocols a friendly reminder may be sent by the list moderator directly to the violator, with an explanation. No further consequence is incurred. A pattern of minor infractions may instigate a warning.
2) Warnings: In the case of a more significant or clear cut violation, a warning will be issued by the moderator. He or she will inform the violator of the nature of the violation and will offer assistance in understanding the rules and the nature of the violation. While most violations will receive only warnings, violations that are deemed to be harmful to the list, to the WVEDN, or to a particular list member may result in immediate monitoring or suspension.
3) Monitoring: In the case of subsequent violations rising to the level of additional warnings, the moderator will inform the violator of the nature of the violation. The person may have his or her postings to the list monitored for appropriateness for a period. Questionable postings will not be placed on the list. The moderator may
also choose to move directly to a suspension in the case of an obvious, willful and harmful neglect of the rules.
4) Suspensions: Use of the listserv is considered a privilege and not a right of WVEDN membership and therefore posters who violate legal constraints and the welfare of other members may have their participation restricted or denied. Upon additional infractions (or after a single egregious violation) the member may be suspended from the list.
We welcome you to this Forum and look forward to your introduction and participation. If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Jess Luzier, Ph.D., ABPP, CEDS-S at