Radiological Safety Committee
The committee meets at least quarterly to:
- Adopt rules and policies on the use of ionizing radiation within the university and the hospital.
- Review plans for all new buildings and modifications of existing structures where ionizing radiation is to be used.
- Review reports by the Radiation Safety Officer and the chairs of the Radiation Safety Committees.
- Approve or modify proposals for amendments to the various licenses or applications for new licenses.
- Perform an annual review of the content and implementation of the Radiation Safety Program including ALARA considerations. This includes a review of the operation of the Radiation Safety Department on at least an annual basis to ensure that all license obligations and regulations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the West Virginia Department of Health are met and that sources of ionizing radiation are being used in a safe manner.
- Approve changes in the Radiation Safety Manual and recommend changes when these become necessary.
Human Use of Radiation & Radionuclides Committee
The committee meets at least quarterly to:
- Adopt rules and policies pertaining to the use of ionizing radiation in or on humans at WVU Hospitals or the Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center.
- Review and either approve or return for amendment all proposals for the use of radiation or radionuclides in or on humans.
- Evaluate the qualifications of all persons proposing to use radiation or radionuclides in or on humans to ensure that they are adequate for the proposed use.
- Review plans for all new buildings and modifications of existing buildings where ionizing radiation is to be used in or on humans and to send its recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee.
- Review proposed shielding and operations of all radiation producing machines and equipment used for the exposure of humans.
- Review all instances of alleged infractions of rules and unsafe practices in the human use of ionizing radiation, and take the steps necessary to ensure safe practice. This may entail recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee or to appropriate supervisory personnel in the department in which an offense occurs.
- Review reports from the Radiation Safety Department on the use of ionizing radiation in or on humans, including any changes or impending changes in regulations.
- Ensure that all license obligations and federal and state regulations are met and that safe practice is maintained in the human use of ionizing radiation.
Non-Human Use of Radiation & Radionuclides Committee
The committee meets at least quarterly to:
- Adopt rules and policies on the in vitro use of sources of ionizing radiation at WVU Hospitals, West Virginia University, the Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, the Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute, and at the Charleston Division.
- Review and either approve or return for amendment all proposals for the in vitro use of ionizing radiation.
- Evaluate the qualifications of all persons proposing the in vitro use of radiation to ensure that they are adequate for the proposed use.
- Review plans for all new buildings and modifications of existing buildings where ionizing radiation is to be used in vitro and send its recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee.
- Review all instances of alleged infractions of rules and unsafe practices in the use of ionizing radiation in vitro and take the steps necessary to ensure safe practice. This may entail recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee or to appropriate supervisory personnel in the department in which an offense occurs.
- Reports from the Radiation Safety Department on the use of ionizing radiation in vitro including any changes or impending changes in regulations.
- Ensure that all license obligations and federal and state regulations are met and that safe practice is maintained in the in vitro use of ionizing radiation.
- Activate the subcommittees on Animal Use or Radiation Research necessary to review activities within their jurisdiction.
Committee On The Use of Radiation & Radionuclides In Animals
The committee will meet when necessary to:
- Adopt rules and policies for the use of ionizing radiation in or on animals.
- Review and either approve or return for amendment all proposals for the use of ionizing radiation in or on animals.
- Evaluate the qualifications of all persons proposing to use radiation or radionuclides in or on animals to ensure that they are adequate for the proposed use.
- Review plans for all new buildings and modifications of existing buildings where ionizing radiation is to be used in or on animals and send its recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee.
- Review all instances of alleged infractions of rules and unsafe practices in the use of ionizing radiation in or on animals and take the necessary steps to ensure safe practice. This may entail recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee or to appropriate supervisory personnel in the department in which an offense occurs.
- Review reports from the Radiation Safety Department on the use of ionizing radiation in or on animals including any changes or impending changes in regulations.
- Ensure that all license obligations and federal and state regulations are met and that safe practice is maintained in the use of ionizing radiation in or on animals.
Radiation Research Committee
The committee will meet when necessary to:
- Evaluate the qualifications of all persons proposing to use radionuclides on the Downtown or Evansdale campus to ensure that they are adequate for the proposed use.
- Review plans for all new buildings and modifications of existing buildings where ionizing radiation is to be used on the Downtown or Evansdale campus and send its recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee.
- Review all instances of alleged infractions of rules and unsafe practices in using ionizing radiation on either the Downtown or Evansdale campus and take the necessary steps to ensure safe practice. This may entail recommendations to the Radiological Safety Committee or to supervisory personnel in the department in which an offense occurs.
- Review reports from the Radiation Safety Department on the use of ionizing radiation on either the Downtown or the Evansdale campus including any changes or impending changes in regulations that might affect these campuses.
- Ensure that all license obligations and federal and state regulations are met and that safe practice is maintained in the use of ionizing radiation on the Downtown and Evansdale campuses.