Poverty Simulation

Poverty is a reality for many individuals and families. Unless you have experienced poverty, it is difficult to truly understand. The Poverty Simulation bridges that gap from misconception to understanding. This simulation is an in-person, two-hour interactive immersion experience that sensitizes community participants to the realities of poverty.

Gaining New Perspectives - IPE Poverty Simulation

The Poverty Simulation is not a game. It is based on real Community Action clients and their lives.

This simulation is a great opportunity to network with fellow healthcare students.


  1. Promote Poverty Awareness – During the simulation, role-play a month in poverty and experience low-income families’ lives.
  2. Increase Understanding – After the simulation, participants will unpack their learning and brainstorm community change.
  3. Inspire Local Change – Together, participants can be a voice to end poverty in their family, friends and community.
  4. Transform Perspectives – The ultimate goal is to shift the paradigm about poverty away from being seen as a personal failure and toward the understanding of poverty as structural, a failure of society.


For more details or to sign up for the Poverty Simulation, submit the online form or contact Katie Hoffman. Each session can accommodate up to 80 learners. Upon request, participants may be eligible to receive community service hours and a certificate of completion.