▪▪ NIH/NCI R01CA192064 (PI: Khramtsov), 08/01/2015-07/31/2020
Profiling chemical tumor microenvironment: application for diagnostics & therapy.
This project will develop the innovative magnetic resonance approaches for multifunctional in vivo tumor microenvironment profiling in a mouse model of breast cancer to identify prognostic factors and monitor tissue microenvironment manipulation. This will provide necessary background data for further studies aimed to improve the accuracy with which the clinical behavior of a given lesion can be predicted, and optimize efficacy of the tumor microenvironment-targeted therapeutic interventions.
▪▪ NIH/NCI R01 CA194013 (MPI: Khramtsov and Eubank), 04/01/2015-03/31/2020
In vivo monitoring of tumor microenvironment regulation by macrophages.
This project is aimed to prove the hypothesis that bi-directional interaction between tumor microenvironment and macrophages plays significant role in tumor progression and therapy efficacy.
▪▪ NIH/NIBIB R01 EB023888 (MPI: Raylman and Tseytlin), 08/08/2018-04/30/2022
This project will integrate a PET scanner with an electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI) scanner to study the extra-cellular and intra-cellular physiological processes, in vivo.
▪▪ NIH/NIBIB K99 EB023990 (PI: Driesschaert), 06/15/2017-03/31/2019
Biocompatible Magnetic Resonance Probes for in vivo Concurrent Profiling of Interstitial Oxygenation, Acidosis and Inorganic Phosphate: Preclinical Application to Cancer.
This project aims to develop new biocompatible paramagnetic probes that are suitable for systemic delivery, and thus allows for in vivo concurrent measurement of tumor tissue acidosis (pH), oxygenation (pO2) and Pi concentration in the extracellular compartments(HOPE probes) using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-based technologies. The success of this project may have a significant impact on the future of bio-imaging applications to medicine.
▪▪ NIH/NIGMS P20GM121322 (PI: Lockman), Sub-Project ID: 8731 (PI: Bobko), 08/01/2018-06/30/2023
Tumor microenvironment-targeted theranostic paramagnetic probes.
In this project we propose to develop theranostic multifunctional paramagnetic trityl probes for in vivo monitoring of basic physiological parameters using electron paramagnetic resonance-based techniques and patient-derived tumor xenograft (PDX) models.